Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Engagement Photography- Erik and Jessica

While I was in California, I had the pleasure of taking engagement pictures for my sister and her fiance. We had so much fun! Now, my sister and I always have fun when we are together. We are pretty much the definition of fun. But this was especially fun. Erik wanted to do their photos in a field and they turned out perfect. I have a few shots from their wedding so those pictures will be in my next post.

Erik wanted in on the action

My brother-in-law is so fierce!

Erik didn't think it was fair that only Jess got an engagement ring, so she made him one. So adorable.

I will end with this shot, because I am so happy that I have a sister who is willing to get a little dirty to get some good shots. Plus, her ring looks stunning no matter what. Wait till you see the wedding bands!

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