Saturday, June 12, 2010


Today I had the opportunity to photograph a beautiful family. More pictures are to come, but here is a little preview of the Stimpson family.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Families and Blessings

We knew we would learn a lot when we adopted Layla and we have! One thing that we knew beforehand, but has been proven over and over is that family goes much further than blood. This week we are learning even more the depth of that lesson. Layla’s birth mother and (some of) her family are visiting with us this week. Our situation could have been less than pretty: both mother and daughter being adopted by two families who had never met. But God has blessed this situation far beyond anything we could have hoped for. We have had a week of fun, emotion and a lot of kids! We’ve done the pool, the beach, the park, the movies, dinners, and more. All the kids have had a blast together. We have truly increased our family through this adoption. Not only did we get Layla, but we also got Catherine and Robbie and their kids.